CD-Livemitschnitt "Roma-Romantik" ist erschienen
Zum Ende des Jahres 2022 ist die neue Audio-CD der Roma und Sinti Philharmoniker erschienen, die einen Live-Mitschnitt aus dem Konzertprogramm "Roma-Romantik" vom 8. Januar 2020 darstellt. Der Tonmeister und Dirigent Heinz Walter Florin realisierte die Aufnahme und Nachbearbeitung gemeinsam mit Hermann Kaldenhoff, Florian Münster und Klaus Münster.
Die CD ist über die Geschäftsstelle der Roma und Sinti Philharmoniker bzw. über deren Künstlerischen Leiter Riccardo M Sahiti direkt beziehbar.
With a CD and a DVD production of two major concert events, the Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra have two sound proofs of their care for the cultural heritage of the Roma and Sinti. Both publications - the CD a live recording of their Franz Liszt Night as part of the
Beethovenfestes Bonn in 2011, the DVD a live recording of the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in the Frauenkirche Dresden in 2016 - can be obtained directly from the Roma and Philharmonic Orchestra or the Philharmonic Association of Sinti and Roma Frankfurt am Main eV.
The CD entitled “The Roma and Sinti Musicians” brings to life the memory of an unforgettable concert evening in the Beethovenhalle Bonn, in which the Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra gave an impressive testimony of their work.
Sounding hope
The Roma and Sinti Philharmonic present
own CD and DVD
Riccardo M Sahiti, Prof. Dr. Peter Ackermann and Roger Moreno Rathgeb at the presentation of the new one
Roma and Sinti Philharmonic discs.
Géza Hosszu-Legocky and Roman Patkolé are the soloists of Bottesini's "Grand Duo concertante" for double bass, violin and orchestra on the CD.
Live recording on CD
The present CD entitled “The Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra - The concert at
Beethovenfest Bonn 2011 ”includes Giovanni Bottesini's“ Grand Duo concertante
for double bass, violin and orchestra ” with Roma interpreters Roman Patkoló (double bass) and Géza Hosszu-Legocky (violin), Zoltan Kodály's“ Dances from Galánta for orchestra ”, improvised folk music by Roma and Sinti and last but not least with Paul Constantinescu's “ Toccata “A musical monument to the pianist Mihaela Ursuleasa, who died in 2012 and with whom the Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra could still work.
Requiem in the Dresden Frauenkirche
The DVD, also published, contains a recording of the performance of the “Requiem for Auschwitz” by the Sinti composer Roger Moreno-Rathgeb, which was performed in January 2016 in the Frauenkirche Dresden together with the Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra and the Dresden University Choir under the direction of Riccardo M Sahiti took place. As a contemporary composition in memory of all victims of the Holocaust, the requiem has already been recognized internationally on large stages . Roger Moreno-Rathgeb wrote it under the impression of a personal visit to the memorial of the former concentration camp in Auschwitz. "As soon as I entered the Auschwitz area , the initial subject of the requiem arose in my head," the composer recalls the creation of the one-hour work for soli, choir, organ and orchestra, which then spanned several Should span years .
Cooperation with "Villa Artis"
The CD "The Roma and Sinti Philharmonic Orchestra" in collaboration with "Villa Artis" (producer: Walter Florin, the Documentation and Culture Center of German Sinti and Roma, the Beethovenfest Bonn and the Federal Government Commissioner for culture and media.
The DVD “Requiem for Auschwitz” was also produced by “Villa Artis” and in collaboration with the Frauenkirche Dresden and “Hellerau - European Center for the Arts
Dresden". Production was funded by the Axel Springer Foundation.
The "Requiem for Auschwitz" in the Dresden Frauenkirche
What makes Roma and Sinti music so special?
Frankfurt musicologist Prof. Dr. Peter Ackermann (University of Music and
Performing Arts Frankfurt am Main) explained in his lecture on the occasion of the presentation
both recordings in the documentation and culture center of German Sinti and Roma in
Heidelberg that on the one hand a number of original musical features and on the other
the synthesis of many styles the influence of Roma and Sinti music tradition on the European
Make classical music, both in vocal and instrumental music. Typical idioms are the organic connection between music and movement, spontaneous rhythmic forms of accompaniment, a large density of impulses, combined with musically complementary elements, the free type of lecture that focuses on expressiveness, improvisation and the inclusion of listeners. Such traces have been detectable in European music since the 18th century .
The musicological research into this connection is also groundbreaking
Employment of his scientific colleagues Prof. Dr. Ursula Hemetek (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) and music ethnologist and anthropologist Prof. Dr. Max Peter Baumann on a musicological and anthropological basis is far from complete, the establishment of a chair for further research on Roma and Sinti music is even worthwhile.